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Last week at school before Xmas
Our Eurocampus is pleased to announce that students, from Classes de CM1 au lycée, will have the opportunity to participate in the HIPPO English Olympiad. The Olympiad is an international event, which promotes the English language, challenging students around the globe to test their knowledge of English.
La dernière semaine à l'école avant Noël.
Our Eurocampus is pleased to announce that students, from Classes de CM1 au lycée, will have the opportunity to participate in the HIPPO English Olympiad. The Olympiad is an international event, which promotes the English language, challenging students around the globe to test their knowledge of English.
They enjoy, we take care of the rest
Notre Eurocampus est heureux d'annoncer que les élèves, des classes de CM1 au lycée, auront l'opportunité de participer à l'Olympiade d'anglais HIPPO. L'Olympiade est un événement international qui promeut la langue anglaise en mettant au défi les élèves du monde entier de tester leurs connaissances en anglais.